Hourigan Planning is preparing an outline planning application (all matters reserved save for means of access) on behalf of Nightingale Land for a residential development of up to 75 new homes, new access, open space and associated works. The scheme would comprise a mix of open market homes and Affordable Homes (35%) and includes significant areas of new open space and a new children’s play area.
We are undertaking consultation on the emerging draft proposals so that the local community has an opportunity to engage in the process prior to a formal planning application being submitted.
All comments received will be used to inform and refine the planning application before it is formally submitted to South Derbyshire District Council. Once a planning application is submitted, the District Council will notify surrounding residents as part of their own statutory consultation process. You will then have a further opportunity to submit formal comments on the proposals directly to the Council.
(The Consultation period has been extended until 5pm on 10 November 2024.) Consultation has now closed.